The following Presidential Campaigns have filed to be on the ballot for the 2024 Hawai'i Republican Presidential Caucus:
Donald J. Trump | (the following have suspended their campaigns) Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis, Ryan L. Binkley, David Stuckenberg, Doug Burgum, Vivek Ramaswamy, Chris Christie.
Thousands of Hawai'i voters will participate in our upcoming Hawaii Republican Party Presidential Caucuses. Your help is needed to make the caucuses a success! We need volunteers to staff caucus locations. IF YOU HAVE PREVIOUSLY SIGNED UP before 12/26/23 TO VOLUNTEER, PLEASE SIGN UP AGAIN. The organizers experienced technical issues with the original sign up sheet. We greatly appreciate your time and effort to volunteer. Click the red button to the right to volunteer.
Here are the details:
Every county is gathering volunteers now! To volunteer click below. Volunteers will be chosen and contacted from those who sign up through the link below
A: Yes, as delegates still need to be allocated. The other eight candidates have suspended their campaigns, but they have not withdrawn and will remain on the ballot so they can still obtain votes towards their delegates.
A: Voters can show up early, but only the designated volunteers at their assigned caucus location can vote early; This is so they can tend to voters between 6-8pm. Volunteers can cast their votes only after the boxes have been inspected by themselves and the official campaign observers assigned to that location, and the ballot boxes are sealed.
A: They can vote only between 6pm-8pm, otherwise they can vote with a provisional ballot at the location they are volunteering at.
A: All regular ballot totals will be announced that evening once they are counted and called into the HRP headquarters. Those numbers will be given to the Hawaii State Chair, and she will then share those number with designated media outlets. Provisional ballots will be sent to the Hawaii Republican Headquarters, and counted by the HRP Executive team. Once all provisional ballots are received those totals will be added to the totals of the regular ballots and the results will be adjusted accordingly.
A: The final delegate allotments will be announced once all ballots, regular and provisional, are received and calculated. Your votes directly determine which candidates get presidential delegates from Hawai'i (on a proportional basis). See Caucus Rules: Caucus Rules: See Hawaii GOP Rules 214-215-216
A: Hawaii is allotted 19 delegates - 3 delegates are already given to the following positions: 1 National Committeeman, 1 National Committee woman, 1 to the Hawaii Republican State Chair. Leaving 16 remaining delegates to be allocated per the percentage formula - See Caucus Rule
A: Contact the Presidential Candidates leadership provided below (scroll to the section "Presidential Campaigns and Team Leaders").
A: No. You can sign up now. Click the big, red button above that says "Volunteer Now". You must be a member of the Hawaii Republican Party and a registered voter.
A: No. At this time the Rules of the Republican Party do not allow for anything but in-person voting. Voting is a right, a civic duty and convenience should not superseded integrity. Mail-in voting is susceptible to fraud.
A: No. You must live in Hawaii and be a registered voter in Hawaii
A: You can either sign up on line, or show up to a Caucus location. All voters will be required to sign another membership card in order to receive a ballot. In the process of voting, a voter must turn in a filled-out membership card, in order to receive a blank ballot. The total number of cast ballots must match the total number of membership cards collected. This process is to verify that no extra ballots make their way into the totals. (in the future like it was done in the past elections, this process may return to signing a precinct poll book instead of turning in a membership form).
Q: Can I take pictures inside the voting area?
A: No, there will be no video, photos, or recording of any kind inside the voting area in order to protect the anonymity of those who are voting and whom they are voting for.
Q: How can I support my candidate of choice?
Answer: Campaigning or electioneering can take place outside of the "No Electioneering Zone" which is a 50-foot radius from the entrance. Each caucus location should have it clearly marked and volunteers to help guide you.
Q: I am worried that there will be lines and I won’t get to cast my vote. What can I do to ensure that I get to vote?
1. Print out a membership form (here)
2. Make sure you have an approved government ID that has not expired.
3. Show up early to get a spot in line.
4. If you haven’t registered to vote, or unsure if you are a registered voter, download a Hawaii voter registration form (here), print out and complete it ahead of time. Bring it with you to your voting location.
5. Find your assigned Caucus location (here). If you don't know your district/precinct, scroll down to the "Congressional Maps" area on the page, click on your county. Then, click on the search icon - in the middle of the page, and type in your address. The map will pinpoint your district and precinct. Zoom out a bit to see it if need be.
Q: How do I find out where the caucus locations are?
A: click the tab that says "Presidential Caucus" and then click the sub-menu page that says, "Presidential Caucus Locations". Scroll to your county. If you are not sure what district you are in, (see above for instructions). You can also reach out to you County Party Chairs and teams (Here). Scroll down to the "County & Committee Chairs" section.
Q: How can we change the rules?
A: The delegates at the conventions vote on the rule amendments proposed by the Rules Committee. There are vacant seats on the HRP committees, depending on your district and precinct. Get involved by being be an active member of the party. The Rules Committee makes suggested amendments to be presented to the delegates at the State Convention. You can become a delegate and go to the convention to vote - delegates are the voting-members of the party.
Q: Does it cost anything to vote?
A: No, but the party supports itself by donations, fundraising efforts, events, and programs that maybe offered by the RNC
Q: If I have more questions who can I contact?
A: you can either send an inquiry to, or our State Chair is receive emails as well at, and she will respond ASAP.
Kaulana Lee - Chair |
Kurt Sullivan |
Ruth Statler |
Danny DeGracia | (808) 927-9396
Jacob Wiencek | 808-953-5814
Andria Tupola | 808-343-5457
Braedon Wilkerson - Chair | (808)808-8683
Larie Manutai | 808-481-1822
Monique DePonte | (808)960-3416
Hawaii Republican Party Presidential Primary Update as of March 12, 2024
Aloha from the Hawaii Republican Party!
We are excited to announce the initial totals from the regular ballots cast in the Hawaii Republican Party Presidential Primary. The voters of Hawaii have made their voices heard, and we are proud to share the preliminary results:
Total votes from regular ballots: 3,618
We want to extend our gratitude to all the voters who participated in this important democratic process. Your engagement and enthusiasm are vital to our party and our nation's political landscape.
Please note that these totals are not yet final. We are committed to ensuring every vote is counted accurately and fairly. As such, we are awaiting the receipt and tallying of all provisional ballots. Once these have been counted, we will provide a complete and detailed update.
We appreciate your patience and support as we work towards finalizing these results.
Mahalo for your continued commitment to the Republican Party and the democratic process in Hawaii.
The Hawaii Republican Party
State Ballot Count per Congressional District
Ballot counts totals per county, per candidate.
The Hawaii Republican Party
Paid for by the Hawaiʻi Republican Party | 808-543-6469 | c/o 500 Ala Moana Blvd Suite 7400 Honolulu HI 96813. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.